What We Do

Nutrient Therapy

Maintaining the optimal levels of essential nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy and fit can be challenging. Supplements taken orally are absorbed gradually through the intestinal tract, but much of the crucial vitamins and minerals do not arrive to the bloodstream as they are degraded by stomach acids and metabolized by the liver. High doses of vitamins may cause stomach upset and nausea.

One of the most efficient ways to provide your body with the nutrients it needs is by Intravenous (IV) therapy. IV Nutrient Therapy bypasses the intestines and delivers essential fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly to your cells.

The Benefits of Nutrient Therapy

The team at SoCal IV Therapy has developed several Nutrient Therapy formulas designed to replenish essential nutrients needed for many situations. We also realize that no two people are the same. So, depending on how you feel and what nutrients your body craves, you can select nutrients from a list of island favorites and design your own drip.

Nutrient Therapy supports:

  • Cellular and organ function

  • Energy and awareness

  • General feeling of wellness

  • Skin, hair, and nails

  • Recovery from illnesses and surgery

  • Athletic performance

  • Immune system activity

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